Panda Day

Pandabear looks as darling as her namesake, and is just as sweet too. She can never turn down a cuddle or kiss, and has the most luxurious soft fur, just like her sister Lucy. When you first meet her, she gets silly and bouncy like most Bostons, then wants to settle into someone's lap for snuggle time. She is very gentle with children, gets along with other dogs, and especially loves people. When she gets silly and playful she does a quick spin then rolls over onto her back and wiggles back and forth! She has a strange fascination with watching our goldfish too! She's very intelligent and always wants to obey and please her people. When she wants your attention, she doesn't jump in your face or crawl up your leg, she simply sits down and peers up at you with her ears pricked, watching everything you do until you can't resist those puppy eyes any longer!