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Adopting a new dog can be very exciting when things go right and smoothly. It can however go very, very badly if not all things below are not considered. Unlike adopting a new puppy, an adult has its own history, behaviors, issues and age related things that need to be understood before hand. Many people think getting an adult is less work than a puppy, but actually far more things and time must be dealt with for the process to work right.
Things To Consider when Adopting an Adult Dog.
- How old are your children? (Often younger children are very pushy on dogs and If the dog has'nt been raised with children this could become a serious problem.)
- When adopting an adult dog, immediate training is critical, unlike adopting a young puppy which is too young for obedience training and it will learn how to look up and respect you as it grows naturally. (If training is not started immediatly, the dog will develop unwanted behaviors such as, barking, chewing, soiling your house and so much more. In order to establish respect, a dog needs a pack leader to respect and you must be that leader via proper training. If the dog has had prior training it is still neccary for you to reestablish all facets of what it already knows to truly intergerate the dog.)
- While Boston's are one of the utmost adaptable breeds, it's critical a large amount of time is spent with the adult dog in the first month of adopting it. Setting up a schedule is very important because the dogs prior internal time clocks now must be reset. Anxiety in dogs can cause them to do things the wouldn't normally do. So it's important set a planned time for eating, relieving themsevles, walking, playing and sleeping in the beginning and once the dog is well adjusted you can be more flexible.
- It's very important to have each family member spend play, quiet and walking time with the dog indivually. All well bred Boston's have a wonderful ablity to adore a whole group of human in all different ways. They also learn very quickly how to convince each human that he/she only exsists in this world to spoil the dog rotten, even if it means breaking rules. That being said its a great idea to write up a list of the allowed do's and don't for the dog and thier schedule. This gives everyone a guide line to follow and not just do what that Boston Tells you to do! :)
- When adopting an adult dog the adjustment period can rage anywhere from 1 week to 6 weeks, depending if there are other pets, children and human schedules. The main thing to keep in mind is keep the patience, the love flowing and make sure to laugh alot with your Boston!

Advantages To Adopting An Adult Dog
- Adult dogs are easier is many ways to potty train and ready for any new training desired.
- Personality is established
- Adoption Fee's are often less then puppies
- Mature enough to be spayed/nuetered
- Fully vaccinated and only requires Monthly heart worm treatment.
- Adult Boston's are almost always puppy-like in nature and if bred right are easy going
- Requires alot less time after the introductions are done
Equipment Needed for An Adopted Boston
- 6 Foot Leash and Collar
- Medium to Large Wire Crate
- Non-Spill Bowls
- Plushy toys and flavored chewy toys (lots and lots and LOTS of toys!
- Or Here's a Starter Kit (Crate, Bowls, Bedding, Leash and toy)
- Plastic Medium Travel Crate
- Kirkland Adult Food (Cosco Brand) or Take a read about dog foods
- We always reccomend Dog Health Insurance
- NUVet Monthly Vitamins ( Code Breeder # 00372)